Sunday, October 26, 2008

The ABC's of Being in Debt

A is for

Aggravating. When you are in debt and don’t have much savings, the little things can be SO annoying.

Appropriate - Make sure to include appropriate amounts for savings, based on your finances for emergency finds, retirement as well as recreational or fun money. All pay and no play can make you quickly abandon your efforts.

Almost - Make little goals along the way that you can reach. That way you have frequent occasion to say, “I’m almost there!”

AwesomeThe way you will feel when you see a zero balance.

Stay tuned for the next installment...
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Anonymous said...

Appropriate - ugh, there is always so much different categories to save for!

And Awesome, I am at from just paying off my 5th Card. Woohoo!

Happy Thanksgiving! Can't wait for "B".

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