Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Let the Games Begin!!

I'm no financial expert and I don't play one on TV. In fact, I could actually use some financial help myself. I don't have a great credit score. I do have some debts. So what makes my posting different from any others? Beats me. I'm sure there are others in a similar situation, and maybe we can take the journey together.

What I am is a single mother of a beautiful daughter with special needs (autism). I have had to make many difficult choices and sacrifices, but in the end, they were worth it. This is a journey of a single mom and her little girl, starting out along the road to debt reduction and prosperity. Hopefully, you will learn along with me, or perhaps, I'll meet people who are much more knowlegable than I, who could offer their "been there..done that..paid WAAAAY too much for the designer T-shirt" advice.

I am a special education assistant, and I earn about 18K year (actually 10 months, since I don't work in the summer). My monthly take home pay varies according to the school year, such as early dismissals and holidays, which we don't get paid for. On a full 70 hour pay cycle, I bring home, about 618.00 per check. (biweekly). My debts are as follows:

  • Dentist - 177.00

  • Mastercard - 148.08

  • Visa - 484.13

  • Mastercard 2 - 601.00

My goal is to pay off my debts, build an emergency fund of 1 years worth of expenses. As of today, I have $1.86 in my checking account. Let's see what happens!

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